A written cure for procrastination?
Tomorrow, I’ll write it.
I have said this to myself everyday for 15 days since the end of october. Finally, today, I replied myself: “No. Write it tonight.” Here goes:
In 2009, artist Jake Parker started what he called the #inktober challenge. The challenge is essentially drawing something in ink, everyday throughout october. It is about growing and improving and forming positive habits. It has now become a yearly “thing” among artists and every year, he releases an official prompt list for the daily art.
That’s the official prompt list for #inktober2017.
Now, I’m not a great artist but I’m often a pretty decent procrastinator. Hence, I also wanted to grow, improve & form positive habits. I wanted to commit to doing something everyday, consistently for 1 month. So I decided to join the challenge. But I bent the rules a bit.
My rules were simple:
- Using the official prompt list, write something everyday throughout october.
- Each day’s write up must be exactly 10 (for october) lines long.
- Everything must be written in ink, on a notepad. No typing.
It wasn’t exactly smooth sailing. I didn’t make up my mind to join the challenge until the 6th; so I had to play catch up for a while. Sometimes, it took me less than 30 minutes while other times, I’ll spend over 2 hours after a stressful day thinking about what to write. Suffice to say it was more work than I anticipated. Significantly more. But I completed the challenge. Yaay!
Below are a ton of pictures (16. There are 2 write ups per page except day 31) of my daily writings for the #inktober challenge. Pardon my less than perfect handwriting.
I was uber proud of myself afterwards. However, it still took me 15days to write this article. Procrastination.